Discover Instagram Shoutout: A Potential Advertising Method


"Shout out with Instagram" - Revealing effective Shoutout tips for Dropshippers

Dropship brothers must be familiar with the term "Instagram Shoutout". In short, they hire celebrities, KOLs, and KOCs on Instagram to advertise products for them.

For example, if you sell jewelry, instead of advertising on Facebook or Google, you can contact an Instagram account with a lot of followers, pay for them to post photos/videos of your products with a shop link. The post spreads, customers who like it will buy.

This trick is surprisingly effective for products that you just want to buy just by looking at them, such as fashion, jewelry, pet supplies,... Although it is not always successful, you only need to "win" once, you can afford rice for a whole month at a cost of only 1/10 of advertising on other platforms.

When I was working as a Dropship with Shopify, I used to have great success with bracelets, rings, and Guangzhou necklaces for 3-4 USD, selling to the US for 15-20 USD thanks to Instagram Shoutout. Each Shoutout only costs about 40-50 USD.

Of course, the theory is so, in reality there are winners and losers. But at least through this article, beginners will have more keywords to learn.

For Americans, 10-20 USD is not worth much, there is no need to hesitate about quality. But converting to VND is a good amount. That's why when you mention MMOs, you immediately think of the land of the flag.

Wishing you a prosperous MMO career!The MMO world is vast and has many corners, so keep exploring!

Discover Instagram Shoutout: A Potential Advertising Method

Perhaps many of you in the Dropship community have heard of the term "Instagram Shoutout". If translated literally, it would seem like "La Village Up with Instagram", which sounds a bit funny. But if you look at it in a simpler way, this term refers to hiring a celebrity, KOL (Key Opinion Leader) or KOC (Key Opinion Consumer) to advertise your products on Instagram.

Imagine this: You own a jewelry store. Instead of spending money on Facebook or Google ads, you decide to partner with an Instagram influencer who has a sizable following. You pay them to post a showcase of your product, with a link to your store or Instagram page. Their posts can grab attention, and customers will visit your store to make a purchase. As a result, your revenue will increase.

This approach, although it has been around for a long time, is still very effective, especially for products that just look like they want to buy right away, such as fashion, jewelry or pet supplies.

Of course, this strategy is not always successful, but with a little luck and the right strategy, you can save a lot of money compared to advertising on other platforms.

When I was doing Dropshipping with Shopify, I used to have a very successful campaign with bracelets, rings, and necklaces imported from Aliexpress for only 3-4 USD. I use Instagram Shoutout to sell in the US for $15-20. The cost of each shoutout usually ranges from $40-$50, depending on the agreement.

Of course, theory is still just theory, some people succeed and some people don't. But through this article, hopefully you will have more useful information to learn and apply to your strategy.

For American consumers, $10-20 is not too much money, they are not too worried about the quality of the product. But when converted into VND, this amount can become significant. That's why the US market is always mentioned in MMO strategies.

Instagram Shoutout is a promising advertising method that is particularly effective in boosting your online presence and attracting new customers. Here's an overview of Instagram Shoutout and how you can take advantage of it:

1. What is Instagram Shoutout?

An Instagram Shoutout is when an Instagram account promotes another account through a post or story. This usually includes mentioning the other account (@mention) or sharing images or videos of their products or services1.

2. Types of Instagram Shoutouts

3. Benefits of Instagram Shoutout

4. How to Leverage Instagram Shoutout Effectively

5. Examples of Successful Instagram Shoutouts

You can learn more details about how to use Instagram Shoutout here1.

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